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Fodelia Plc Extensive Company Report - (Inderes Corporate Client)
Financial targets
Updated 16 May 2024
Fodelia has set the following long-term targets:
- The Group’s annual revenue growth is approximately 20 %. The revenue target by the end of the strategic period, i.e., by 2028, is at least EUR 100 million.
- The operating profit margin at the end of the strategic period in 2028 will exceed 10 %. Profitability is expected to gradually improve from the current level towards the target.
- The group’s return on invested capital is above 10 %.
- The interest-bearing debts to ebitda are under 3.
- The company maintains its dividend payout target unchanged.
Dividend policy
Fodelia strives to distribute at least 35% of its earnings as dividends to shareholders.